Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bad Things happen to Good People or Things happen to God's People

Sunday morning Pastor Rick Bezet referred to the statement that some people get hung up on, "Why do bad things happen to Good People?" He took exception with the words, "good people," using the Bible verse Jesus said, "Why are you calling me good? No one is good—only God. Luke 18:19 (The Message). His point, as I understood it, no one is good, we are defective people saved by God's incredible grace.
As a Christ Followers are there really any bad things? In Romans 8:28 (The Message) says That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. That's why I know that a stem cell transplant will turn out to be a good thing........

God willing, until tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Praying still... love you!

Therri said...

i hope you had a good journey to texas. i'm thinking about you.
love you!

Megan said...

"Maybe God has put promises in your heart that seem unlikely...for you to ever get out of debt, your family restored, or for you to ever be healthy again...but everyday in your imagination you need to see that promise coming to fulfillment...see your self healthy, whole, successful accomplishing what God put in your heart."

Lindsey & Kyle Haugen said...

Love you so much and your spirit of hope! Excited to see you soon!!!