Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thank you

Wheels down we have landed in Houston. We being my brother Gary, and myself. Gary is my donor, he is also the youngest of my siblings. Who knew when we were teenagers giving each other the usual sibling grief, that he would in essence save my life. How do you thank someone for that, you can't....I am truly blessed, my family is the greatest, I love you, Gary.


mikey said...

I thank you also, Gary! Thank you for giving of yourself to save my wife's life...mike

Megan said...

That is an amazing gift he is giving you and I'm sure he is happy to do it. I hope I can help (or save) one of my brothers or sisters like that if they need it one day. It would be 10's x's worse not being able to do anything... Good luck and hang in there! We all miss you already!!!