Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am officially in the hospital, it was a little tough, but all your prayers, and those quick breath prayers, "God give me strength" does wonders.

Shini, my nurse, started early, 4 a.m. She hooked one of my three lumen's to Busulfan for a 45 minute trial run to see how my system would metabolize the chemo. Two phlebotomist drew blood; one out of the central line on my left side, and one out of the peripheral line on my right side. Over the course of today I will get my blood drawn at least 10 times. God has blessed me with caring nurses, and staff to take care of me.

After the procedure was over, I was reading my "comfort cards*". I also have the note cards, Beth Moore instructed us to make during our bible study of Ester, last fall. Number 5 spoke to me "It's tough being a the tight fist of fear.....Remember you're in something much tighter, 'See I have engraved you (Debi, and every Christ follower) on the palms of my Hands.'" Isaiah 49:16 PTL, what mighty hands those must be!!!

To everyone that will meeting at Bible Study in the morning, I will miss you and I will be praying for God to bring anew His word. Dea thank you for all you do facilitating the group. I will be there in the fall.

*comfort cards are index cards that I have written comfort scriptures on, and put my name on them to personalize them.


Patty said...

Dear Lord I lift my sister to you today. I pray she will feel you holding tightly to her hand. I pray that every blood draw every test and every bit of chemo will go well and be easy for her. Be withevery medical providor that comes in contact with her today . Guide their work. I pray that you will give her strength and your words so that she may share her faith with every one around her. Bless her today and every day. amen

shanna said...

Im sorry ur having to go through all u have, and will have to! :( ur as always in my thoughts and prayers! Hope u had a wonderful birthday. Love and miss u dearly!

Dea Moore said...

Read your post to our class today. We love you and we are humbled that you were thinking of us. We are praying my friend. Love you so much. God sends His Word and heals. Keep those comfort cards rolling!!!

Anonymous said...

Debi, I'm guessing that you are as much a blessing to the staff there as they are to you. You are such an inspiration to others even when you are in the midst of the fight of your life. Be strong!!
love you!

mikey said...

Hey babe,
I've been with you for 3 days of Chemo now..Mornings are a little rough, wouldn't you say? If you keep taking my bed at 6;30 we're changing beds!! me

Patty said...

Debi Just wanted you to know I was thinking and praying for you today . I pray all is going well in Houston

Cara's Loves said...

Your words are such an encouragement to me. We are thinking of you and praying for you and Uncle Mike. I will be reading your blog regularly. What a blessing you are!

shanna said...

U been on my mind alot, u haven't posted anything lately.? I'm sure it's getting tuff! Hold on to that strenghth within you. I sent Lynsey a message on FB wondering how you were doing, but did not get a reply.? I love you and miss you very much!  And wanted to wish you a HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY!!!!!!!. Love. Shanna