Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I don't need any details

The phone call actually caught me off guard, I had gone to my Nurse Practitioner, the day before and been given medication for what I convinced myself was the problem. It was not to be. My friend called,"go to the hospital," she said "they are expecting you; you're not depressed; your hemoglobin is 5.8." So began a new journey....... So many words to learn, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, MDS for short, formerly known as preleukemia. For the last nine months its been all about counts, red, white,and platelets... but what an adventure I have been on, God is so good, He has been with me each step of the way.
Monday, January 11, 2010, I begin the life saving treatment of a stem cell transplant at MD Anderson, Houston, TX. This blog will be about my husband sometimes say to me, "I don't need to know any details", so my hope is that I will not get mired down in the details, but leave you with the hope and peace I feel because God loves you and me; and He hears our prayers and I am living proof of those prayers.

God willing, until tomorrow.....


mikey said...

Hi Debi!

Dea Moore said...

So glad you did this for us - those who love you. If you don't mind I want to send the link to the girls in both my classes. They are prayer warriors and they will have your back!! Let me know. I think if you click my picture it will link to my blog. It's mainly just for me--my ramblings and a place to write them down---but if you are bored. HA!! I love, love, love you. Expecting great rejoicing in the days ahead.

Anonymous said...

YAY Debbie!!! You have done so much already, i'm so proud! Your blog looks great. Prayers to you DAILY! Mike... hang in there buddy, we're praying for YOU too!
Love you

mycuriousteaparty said...

Holding your hand from across the pond.

mikey said...

Hey Babe,
You leave tomorrow..I wont see you for a couple of weeks..I'll be sad!

Dawana said...

Praying for you & thinking of you daily. Love, Dawana & Bob

Deidra said...

Debi- I'm here from Micah's blog and just want to let you know that I'm praying for and with you...and also following you.

I'll be sending up special prayers for you as you start your journey tomorrow!

Deirdra Doan said...

Hi Deb,
I got your blog from Micah.
This has been a blessing to me...

A Pastor named Henry Wright has done a study and practice of helping people using this information to get healed of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Cancers, High Blood pressure etc.

City of Hope is making a study using his findings...spiritual emotional roots to disease.

On line conference...

Here is some info from "Be In Health".
From Be in Health: A Christian Ministry that finds real roots to disease.

Deirdra Doan said...

HI again....

Dr. Robert O. Young

The other thing that is amazing and working really well is this Alkaline program. Right and left people are healed of Cancer!! I was into Raw foods at one time and came across this man.

This is a Dr. who uses foods and supplements to bring your body and blood in order. In order to stop and cure cancer you have to go off all sugars and keep your Alkaline above 7.4. You check your morning urine every day with PH tape. By drinking certain Green juices and PH salts all day long you can reduce the tumors and get ride of it. Also you can turn any type of disease around! Below are some info by the Dr. (he has a clinic as well)
and one mans healing journey.

My prayers are going up for you and for LIFE!!!

mikey said...

It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, putting you on that airplane!
Washing the blanket w/bleach....